Who We Are

“'The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.  Go your way; behold, I am sending you out as lambs in the midst of wolves. Carry no moneybag, no knapsack, no sandals, and greet no one on the road.  Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace be to this house!’ And if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest upon him. But if not, it will return to you. And remain in the same house, eating and drinking what they provide, for the laborer deserves his wages.'"     Luke 10:2-7  ESV

Lathered Up Ministries was formed to provide relief and respite for pastors. Having been a successful executive in the "corporate world" which often brought with it extremely long work weeks and countless hours, and at the same time maintaining a full schedule of family and church related commitments, Pastor Bob knows first-hand, the type of stress, pressure, and toll that comes with such a fast-paced lifestyle. 

Having been heavily involved in lay ministry for over 35 years and serving in various roles of leadership within the church (e.g., Elder, Congregational President, Treasurer, Worship Leader, etc.)  Pastor Bob has witnessed first-hand the toll the job responsibilities and expectations for pastors can have on the overall well-being of those called to lead Christ's church - It is not unlike that experienced by Bob throughout his corporate career. 

When Pastor Bob responded to God's call to enter the seminary, it was with this need in mind. Combined with his individual gifts and life experiences, Bob discerned caring for and providing relief to pastors was God's intended purpose for his ministry. Once he realized God's purpose for this next chapter in his life, the question then became, "How do I best get this accomplished?"

As Bob progressed in his journey through seminary, it became increasing clear that his gifting was in the areas of preaching, teaching and leadership. From his past experience in church leadership, as well as from direct feedback from other pastors and seminary professors, the lack of quality, inspired, Biblically-sound supply preaching was a big problem. As a result, pastors were reluctant to be absent from the pulpit on Sunday's. This was extremely prevalent in churches that had only one pastor on staff. In the event that a pastor needed to be gone, preaching duties typically fell to either lay people who were not that well trained or retired pastors that typically were low on energy and high on using recycled sermons.

Recent studies from the Barna Group have shown that the number of pastors that are experiencing "burnout" and/or are dissatisfied with their job have been continuing to increase. Key factors cited by pastors behind this trend are a shortage of resources and a lack of time for self and family care. Pastor Bob, his wife Marna, and the folks that volunteer and help support Lathered Up Ministries, all share the belief that through the services we provide that we can help reverse this trend, as well as model a solution that others will adopt as well. This is our collective mission and we welcome others to join us! If you are interested in joining and/or supporting our team, please connect with us using any of the multiple means listed on our contact page.

"Some of the words and phrases that come to mind when I think of Bob are; spiritually mature, tenacious, servant-leader, creative, passionate, knowledgeable, dynamic, and team player with a voracious appetite for God’s Word... His “lather-factor” is off the charts!  His character and integrity are exceptional, and his impact on the ministries we’ve served/led together, beyond description."  

Pastor Paul Schroeder, Post Falls, ID

Contact Information

Pastor Robert (Bob) Bedford

Phone: (715) 781-6800

Weston, CO  81091
